What the hell are they doing with ****ing Playstations in the first place? They're in prison! They're supposed to be punished for their crimes, surely? Not rewarded with Playstations and X-Boxes!
What the hell is this country coming to when people who have been convicted of breaking the law are given free access to luxury entertainment that most decent, law-abiding folk struggle to afford to pay for...
Get 'em all in chain gangs cleaning up the towns and cities from graffiti and vandalism and actually make them contribute something back to society. It costs something like £10k a week to keep these 5-star residents, sorry, 'prisoners', in their 'all-expenses-paid-3-meals-a-day' accommodation...if they 'get bored' in their cells, whose fault is that in the first place?
Here's the article from The Telegraph Online:"Only those who have earned "top privileges" will be allowed limited access to the games consoles, and even then there will be a complete ban on violent and shoot-em-up games with an 18 rating.
New directives rule that taxpayers' money must no longer be used to buy games or consoles.
It comes after the Government last year admitted spending more than £10,000 on 80 PlayStations and 15 X-boxes for young offender institutions.
It was hoped the games would stop prisoners getting depressed because of the long hours spent in cells with nothing to do.
In a document including the rule changes, Michael Spurr, the Prison Service's director of operations, wrote: "These changes will ensure that prisoners may only earn access to games consoles by a positive demonstration of good behaviour and commitment to the requirements of their sentence plan.
"This is in line with government policy flowing from the Prison Policy Update paper of January 2008."